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  • Writer's pictureBéatrice Barbeau

Best in Show ★★★★☆ | WWJCD (What Would Jennifer Coolidge Do?)

I’ve always loved Jennifer Coolidge. Ever since A Cinderella Story staring Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray. I was born in 1996, so American Pie was not my first interaction with JC. A Cinderella Story was one of the films my sister and I would watch on repeat, I think Anastasia, The Parent Trap and The Princesses Diaries beat it out of top three. We’d go to the Civic Video every Friday to pick out the films for the week - ONLY weekly’s Dad said because he couldn’t be bothered going to Civic more than once a week unless it was a movie HE really wanted to watch. For years my sister and I thought Civic Video closed at 7pm, because Papa would always tell us that it closed at 7pm. We found out three years ago that it was a lie he told us because he didn’t want to leave the house after 7pm. When the Civic shut down to become a hairdressing salon (before it became a café), there was a big sale of DVDs and my sister bought every season of Gilmore Girls. Because they were DVDs we ended up with about 30 DVDs of Gilmore Girls.

I can distinctly remember JC with those small tanning sunnies on, eating the raw salmon, playing the step mother in A Cinderella Story. I thought it was so gross but I was still enchanted by her. We would also watch Legally Blonde and fall in love with her playing a lovable but knowledgeable bimbo queen.

 A few years later when my sister and I watched American Pie for the first time, we recognised her from A Cinderella Story AND LEGALLY BLONDE… two of our fave movies! We loved American Pie, we bought the whole DVD box set. 

JC has always been there for me, when I started watching Gravity Falls (one of the best animated TV shows ever) I recognised her voice instantly, playing lazy Susan. What an iconic voice. 

JC was an icon and always a treat to see in movies, stealing the show every time she was on. When I heard she was in the new show White Lotus I had to watch it. I was so happy to see her play a main character, the script allowed her to be her crazy self and cemented my belief that she is one of the best comedic actors of all time.

When I found out Best In Show was playing at Golden Age Cinema (a cool boutique cinema that my friend Alexei hosts movie trivia at) I had to go. I got my boyfriend to come along cause he had never seen it either. 

It was so much better than we expected. The movie holds up so well with great iconic characters. It’s one of those movies that makes you want to write a movie like this. Full of humour, the laughs per minute are insane. My only criticism is that they could have given JC way more! But she slayed with the amount she had. I understand why Best In Show is seen as one of the best comedies of all time. Such a great seeing such comedy legends and cute dogs in this film. And of course JC stole my heart, yet again. 

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