Suburban Wildlife is up for consideration for the 2019 AACTA awards. AACTA members can vote for the film and put it towards a nomination for BEST INDIE FILM. Read more about the films in consideration below.
"SUBURBAN WILDLIFE a “narrative of queer longing and love” considers where freedom intersects with consequence, pressure, denial, accessibility and responsibility. The understated and beautifully layered performances and script come together deliciously, and the extreme discipline of subtlety reinforces a stringent commitment to truth. My investment was such that I felt everything just as strongly as those overly dramatic movie moments we’ve been taught to expect…slash crave. In many cases, within these films the climax was an actual climax, sensual or sexual in nature, and it didn’t make the structure any less poignant. Just as the accrual of a long-desired bird tattoo on the inner arm felt just as meaningful as any curtain-closing finale with all the bells and whistles."